Monorail Systems Advantages

The American Monorail Project’s mission includes explaining the tremendous advantages of monorail-based systems over conventional mass transportation options.

What are some of the Advantages of Monorail Systems?

1. Adaptability

Monorail systems can be built and operated virtually anywhere; in existing urban settings, transportation corridors, open spaces, built environments or congested locations, where no other form of mass transportation can be effectively introduced or operated.

2. Cost Effectiveness

Monorail systems construction, right of way requirements, manufacturing, implementation, maintenance and operation are significantly more efficient, by every measure, than their steel-wheeled, steel rail counterparts.

3. Environmental Impacts

From land acquisition, demolition and construction to system implementation and operation, monorail system development and services are routinely implemented without the vast majority of mitigating measures required of all other forms of mass transportation.

4. Safety

In more than two billion monorail boardings world wide, not a single passenger fatality has been reported; nor has a collision between a monorail and any other vehicle or train occurred.

5. Congestion Impacts

Separated from all other transportation and urban systems by their nature and design, monorail systems do not interface or interfere with any other transportation mode or built element of any setting.

6. Carbon Footprint

From manufacturing, construction and location through operation, maintenance and energy use, monorail technology and systems register the lightest carbon footprint of all currently operating mass transportation systems.

7. Service Quality

With 98-99% on-time performance reliability and nearly silent operation as passengers travel above it all, monorails consistently provide the best ride available to an ever-increasing constituency of riders.

8. Innovation and Economic Development

Monorail systems development and services offer 21st Century industrial and economic alternatives to the US rail industry, new solutions to the intractable congestion and accessibility constraints of existing transportation systems, and the most attractive alternative to single-occupant commuter vehicle drivers.

9. Workforce Development

Monorail systems manufacturing, development and operations offer distinct new sectors of employment and careers independent of the historic US rail industry.

10. Sustainability

From manufacturing and technological systems development, engineering and construction to the efficiencies of every aspect of monorail systems operations, monorails will set new environmental, energy, safety, adaptability, and economic performance standards for 21st Century urban mass transportation.

Learn More at Sustainability

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