The American Monorail Project

American Monorail, Inc., and The American Monorail Project are dedicated to bringing forth a new transportation paradigm, encompassing planning and technological policy from the national to the community level. This paradigm envisions fundamentally new, and innovative relationships between government at all levels, and the full range of transportation issues confronting the United States, its communities, cities and networks of commerce; All served by a new, national monorail industry.

The vast patchwork of railroad, passenger rail, freeway and highway systems which make up the nation’s ground transportation infrastructure has reached its effective capacity, and is only expanded or improved with marginal effect, at prohibitive expense. In a fundamental departure from the status quo, The American Monorail Project proposes a strategic reorganization of the roles of government and transportation authorities in the planning, financing and implementation of transportation systems and services.

As joint venture partners in monorail system development, government entities from federal and state agencies to county and city boards and councils will be encouraged to make available what may comprise thousands of miles of publicly owned rights of way, in the form of streets, highway and freeway medians, flood control and river channels, abandoned and active railroad rights of way, and other public property suitable for construction and operation of monorail systems. This will permit government authorities and decision makers to contribute, and join monorail system builders, at little or no public expense, in the development of monorail systems that can most effectively serve the 21st century needs of American communities, and their specific transportation requirements.

While the majority of public rights of way are not suitable or practical for development in any other form of transportation systems, monorail technology can be elegantly implemented with little of the financial, environmental or operational negative impacts of existing or planned rail and automobile systems. Monorail systems can be built and operated virtually anywhere, with significantly lesser impacts than of any other form of transportation, by nearly every measure. From energy consumption and carbon footprint, to noise and environmental impacts, costs of construction and operation, acquisition and clearance of right of way, sustainability of funding and equipment, and, with an overarching high degree of safety, monorail systems offer a practical alternative to the current state of transportation planning, development and service.

Monorail systems are consistently favorable alternatives to every existing transportation system including Amtrak, metro commuter trains, subways, high-speed trains, elevated and at grade rail, bus ways and freeways. Furthermore, monorail systems can be built where other systems cannot be practically constructed or operated, to connect suburban communities with work, commercial and civic centers, as well as, in environmentally sensitive settings where other transportation facilities would have negative or damaging impacts.

The American Monorail Project proposes to host an educational, technical and organizational forum for the development of cooperative agreements and transportation projects in the mutual best interests of local governments, communities, transportation planners, business, industry and monorail system builders.

3 Responses to “The American Monorail Project”

  1. Kim Pedersen says:

    Congratulations on the debut of American Monorail Project’s website. Best wishes on meeting your goals for a new monorail industry in the USA!

  2. Congratulations for your web site.

  3. This is the future! Iron rail is a 200 year-old invention that is outdated. Monorails obviously are simpler to get tracks on the ground or should I say in the air. How easy would it be to switch out down the road to maglev? Los Angeles has spent tons of money on their rail and it sucks! I’m sure they could have 20 times or more lines in place than they’ve got now if they were to have used monorail technology. The Red Line is the worst, and they are not even done. Anyone who doubts the simplicity of this system can just look at what Disney has had in Anaheim for years, albeit at scale and which I’m sure the technology of today could make even better. The Gold Line can’t even make it to Whittier – what a joke! If it was a monorail no problem! Put a monorail right down the 5 Freeway! Actually, this was proposed years ago, but oil and other interests shut it down. Do it like they did in 1800′s – the first one to the middle wins a huge bonus and we can be done instead of our having to live with the never ending rail projects!

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