Formation of Private Operational and Development Entities

Last: Monorail System Development Under Joint Venture Agreements

Each aspect and phase of monorail system development and operation should be established and implemented by means of private operational and development entities charged and empowered with specific planning, construction and operational prerogatives required for successful performance of their respective roles and responsibilities in completion of monorail development projects. Funding for each phase and aspect of system development should be focused on, and limited to respective corporate entities’ performance and completion of their respective contractual commitments. Corporate entities involved in construction and other aspects of monorail system development would be decommissioned upon completion of their respective tasks, giving way to corporate entities that operate and maintain the monorail services as monorail companies throughout the life of the monorail service. This can be accomplished without the need to establish or perpetuate bureaucratic governmental or agency workforces that redundantly manage or regulate the operation of monorail systems.

Formation of private operation and maintenance companies assuming full and independent responsibilities for all aspects of service, maintenance and financing of newly developed monorail facilities could operate monorail services indefinitely, or for specified periods prior to transferring all or part of operations to public transportation service entities.  Private operating companies would be taxpaying entities regulated as private corporations, employers and service providers; while the transfer or conversion of guide ways, facilities, rolling stock or service operations to public ownership would tend to exempt or eliminate tax revenues derived from private ownership and service operations.

The American Monorail Organizational Forum provides incentives and direction to local business, construction, banking and economic development interests by bringing the broader interests and resources of the monorail industry, private foundations and business communities into a comprehensive transportation development process independent of established transportation bureaucracy and government planning monopoly.

Next: Federal Transportation Matching Funds Applied to Joint Ventures, Tax Incentives and Supplemental Funding of Monorail Projects

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