Government Authority and Administration

Last: Environmental Regulation and Performance Standards

Growing evidence of the limitations and inability of local, state and federal transportation authorities, as well as, governmental bodies of all types, to maintain public infrastructure, services and funding brings into question the sustainability of nearly all government-administered activity and services. The massive parallel growth of multi-billion dollar transportation authorities and programs has progressed virtually unnoticed, by taxpayers, local governments and communities, to a level that threatens the budgets and financial stability of cities, counties and states with revenue shortfalls, bond payment defaults and credit rating downgrades. Administration, planning and development of mass transportation systems and services can simply not continue to conduct business as usual without risking a bubble-like financial collapse similar to recent market implosions. Furthermore, failing transportation authorities may no longer appeal to higher governmental administrators to bail out their failing or bankrupt transportation programs.

The only sustainable alternative to the stalled and under funded state of publicly-financed mass transportation system development and administration is presented in detail by The American Monorail Project’s comprehensive program, presented and articulated throughout the American Monorail website. The American Monorail Project website sheds light on the topic of governmental and transportation administration reform in the American Monorail Organizational Forum, and its implications regarding sustainability of government-managed transportation systems development and management; while the Blueprint for a New American Industry proposes a fundamental reorganization of US mass transportation research, development, manufacturing, planning, construction, ownership and operation, under a private sector business model that relieves taxpayers of the burdens of developing, maintaining and operating public mass transportation systems and services.

While the American Monorail discussions and illustrations of monorail technology, development and performance that are consistently superior, and more sustainable by every measure than all other modes of mass transportation are presented throughout the American Monorail website, the discussion of Transportation Funding is of most immediate and strategic importance regarding the sustainability of the current state, and future of transportation planning and service.

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